
Free and real money Forex contest are on the home straight!

King of the Hill

The winner of last round’s King of the Hill didn’t only manage to win the top prize of 150 USD, but also came top in one of the additional nominations, meaning he won an additional 5,000 ALP. As you can see, the chances of winning in this contest mean you having it all and having it now are higher than elsewhere. Get yourself registered for the next round – which begins on Monday – so you aren’t caught napping behind the other contestants!

Round prize fund

1,075 USD 

Additional prizes

43,500 ALP 

Top prize

150 USD 

Prize-winning places


Registration now open

Formula FX

This time you have even more chances to win a prize in just 5 days, with this round of Formula FX having an additional 10 prizes-winning places, with an extra 145 USD up for grabs! Achieve the maximum profit for the week to win the top prize of 250 USD. Registration now open!

Round prize fund

1,765 USD 

Additional prizes

10,000 ALP 

Top prize

250 USD 

Prize-winning places



21st place 
19 USD 

22nd place 
18 USD 

23rd place 
17 USD 

24th place 
16 USD 

25th place 
15 USD 

26th place 
14 USD 

27th place 
13 USD 

28th place 
12 USD 

29th place 
11 USD 

30th place 
10 USD 

Registration now open

Successful Investor

Experienced investors are already patiently awaiting the 1st December, and not because it is the official beginning of winter. It is on this day that the last round of our PAMM Account contest of this year will begin. Are you a Successful Investor? Well then you could receive an addition to your primary profit received from smart investment: in the form of prize money. Register now; the start of the contest is just a few days away.

Round prize fund

500 USD 

Top prize

500 USD 

Prize-winning places



Full Throttle

Just one week remains until we find out who the winner of our Full Throttle contest will be. At the moment our leader is Asas, with over 1,000 points in front! Will he manage to hold onto his position or will a competitor snatch victory from him? Maybe you will do so?

Round prize fund

4,600 USD 

Additional prizes

10,000 ALP 

Top prize

1,000 USD 

Prize-winning places



Analyst Contest

The markets are quiet before the Fed December storm that is gathering, so now is the time to sharpen your pencil and get drafting analytical reviews about this topic. What awaits the markets at the end of 2016 and what trends are set for 2017? Share your opinion and be in with a chance to receive a cash prize!

Round prize fund

400 USD 

Top prize

100 USD 

Prize-winning places



Our largest forex demo contest is now onto the home straight. Now the top three contestants are just a few points apart and the distance from the peloton isn’t so large. Push it to the max now to be in with a chance to make it into a prize-winning place and receive anywhere from 10,000 USD to 50 USD!

Round prize fund

30,820 USD 

Additional prizes

50,000 ALP 

Top prize

10,000 USD 

Prize-winning places


Virtual Reality

The leaders of our Virtual Reality forex demo contest must be biting their nails right now with a full month of the contest lay ahead and their name already sat next to the prize to be won. Maybe one of these leaders already has in mind what they would spend their winnings on. However, for now they can only dream with the others not letting up and pushing ahead at full steam to receive 500 USD in prize money.

Round prize fund forex demo contest

2,190 USD 

Additional prizes

50,000 ALP 

Top prize

500 USD 

Prize-winning places


Top Portfolio Manager

Receiving a prize is always nice. But doubling up before New Year makes it just that little bit sweeter. Investors: do you want that butterfly feeling? Then here’s the place! Compile the best PAMM Portfolio to win in the fight for victory!

Round prize fund

1,800 USD 

Top prize

1,000 USD 

Prize-winning places