
InstaForex keeps raffling fancy cars

InstaForex keeps raffling fancy cars

Get an opportunity to win a new high-powered luxury SUV!

We are glad to inform you that the new campaign Win BMW X6 from InstaForex started on December 28, 2015. Anyone can vie for the main prize – stylish off-road four-runner for outdoor activities - BMW X6.

If you dream to have a track-ready, high performance SUV BMW X6, register in the campaign Win BMW X6 from InstaForex; fortune will probably favor you!
The campaign will go on till December 29, 2017. Thus, the New Year Eve of 2018 will become memorable for a lucky participant who will be awarded the keys to the gorgeous BMW X6 from InstaForex. The winner will be determined randomly with the help of a transparent algorithm using so-called BMW-number.

Don’t forget that every client has an opportunity to increase his chances to win: the more accounts you register for the raffle the more chances you have to win!